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Why you should vote for me (Adam)

Hi! I'm new to the neighborhood, but not to Arlington—or Town Meeting.

Voluntters bundled up with wagons and barrows on the Minuteman Path near Thorndike Field
Minuteman and Greenway cleanup, spring 2019, Arlington Livable Streets

The 77 bus, departing Arlington Heights

Photo of Adam in cycling helmet and with cranberry bog in the background
  • Precinct Coordinator for the recent Fossil-Fuel-Free Infrastructure Campaign
  • Member of the Everywhere Arlington Livable Streets Coalition advisory board
  • Member of the Town's Residential Study Group, set up in response to a resolution I introduced at Town Meeting. Task force recommendations were adopted by Town Meeting.
  • Arlington High dad (emeritus—she's a college grad now!)
  • Environmental communicator and advocate
  • Author of a recent study of planned changes to bus service in Arlington 
  • Active Town Meeting representative since 2006 
  • Current Assistant Town Moderator

I hope I've earned one of your votes on April 6!
